
Month: October 2020

October 27, 2020


Special Guest:
Charley Radcliffe

Charley Radcliffe

Charley Radcliffe grew up in London with a family who loved to travel frequently. But it wasn’t until he was in university, that he began having the urge to not just visit places, but explore them extensively. For Charley, that came through living somewhere and learning the language. He lived in San Sebastian, in the north of Spain for a few years before moving back to London. He then discovered CLIMBING & ALPINISM. Naturally, the love for the mountains and the lifestyle that comes along with it, brought him to Chamonix, France, a town on the foot of the French Alps. The mountains of Chamonix caught his heart and soul. Six years ago, Charley moved to Chamonix full time to continue to pursue his love for the outdoors and the climb.

My Thoughts:

The photos of Charley Radcliffe hanging off the side of a snow filled mountain range was so dreamy.  I couldn’t wait to speak to him!  When I say climbing, I usually mean trekking but Charley actually does “Real Climbing.” Meeting such an amazing athlete and getting to speak to him was such a privilege.  I’m not gonna lie, I was definitely, low key fan girl-ing inside.  That wild crazy soul of mine was yearning for the views he sees on a pretty much daily basis.  It’s not everyday, you get to meet someone with so much passion for what they do.  It’s not everyday, you get to sit down and talk to an athlete that is so impressive.  So if you’re reading this Charley – I can’t thank you enough.  Your adventures continue to be a visitor to my brain every. single. day.  In this episode, Charley shares with us some really helpful tips for those who want to follow his footsteps in chasing that true mountaineer dream.  SPOILER ALERT:  Charley shared his initial 2020 goal of climbing all 82 peaks in the Alps that were over 4000 meters (13,123 feet).  With a little disappointment in his voice, he said he’s only done 52 of them because of Coronavirus. Um, Charley, outside of the impressive climbing community of Chamonix, France – most people summit 1-2 peaks a year.  52!  FIFTY TWO PEAKS.  I couldn’t believe my ears. Charley Radcliffe is one badass athlete.  Charley has definitely inspired me to learn Alpine Climbing and I only hope to one day be able to climb one peak the way Charley scales them.

Stay Wild,

Show Notes:

00:00 Charley reads us an excerpt from March 26, 2020 – The beginning of Covid and how much he misses the climb.

00:50 Drea introduces Charley Radcliffe

1:35 Charley expands on his March 26, 2020 and strict 8 week lockdown in Chamonix, France. People could not go 1 km from home and 100 meters vertically which needed to be put in place to restrict climbers from going up into the mountains that tower above the town. Drea and Charley talk about how Coronavirus has affected the world.

8:25 Charley shares his love for travel, why he is passionate about it and how it has inspired him.

11:00 Charley shares his journey from London to living permanently in Chamonix, France the town right underneath the French Alps and why he moved to this adventure town

16:58 Charley explains the European style of climbing that he prefers to do – The single push. He also explains the advantages of doing the Single Push.

19:00 Charley shares his love for the outdoors and the the value of working hard for that “view”

22:04 Charley shares his goal to climb 82 peaks over 4000 meters (13123 feet). He has completed 52 because Coronavirus prevented him from climbing faster. He shares a rare winter climb in January above 4000 meters, watching the sunset and realizing that no one else was higher than them in all of Europe.

24:00 He expands more about his attempt to climb the 82 peaks

24:56 Charley shares his introduction into Alpinism and Mountain Climbing – Mt. Blanc

27:45 Charley shares his favorite peaks/climbs – The Matterhorn in 7 hours and 45 minutes

29:13 Charley shares the three types of fun in the outdoors

30:17 Charley shares an iconic climb with ice Axes and is very difficult.

34:08 Charley gives advice on how to find the perfect climbing partner

39:15 One of Charley’s most challenging climbs – The monte rosa massif and the linking up 13 out of the 18 peaks

46:22 South Face of Mount Blanc – Poor Quality Rock

48:32 Charley and compartmentalizing – boxing up your fears, learning from your mistakes, and re-evaluating

49:43 Charley shares some close calls – Gears, Crevasses, etc.

50:28 Charley shares how the mountains are falling down and the permafrost is melting. He is seeing Climate Change first hand in the french alps.

53:32 Charley shares how he prepares for his climbs

56:27 Charley shares his climbing heroes

57:49 Charley’s shares the amazing feeling of his climbing accomplishments

58:55 Charley shares his tips and tricks for someone who wants to climb and try alpinism

59:49 Charley shares his most meaningful person he has met on his travels/climbs

61:01 Charley shares his favorite climbs, The Matterhorn and Mount Blanc – Tips and Tricks to do those climbs

64:00 Charley shares his one thing he takes with him on his climbs – A happy snack

65:00 Charley shares a piece of advice for his younger self

66:00 Charley shares some advice on how to get sponsored as a climber and some his favorite brands that he has partnerships

67:00 Charley Radcliffe can be found on Instagram on


October 21, 2020


Special Guest: Tim Stroeks

Hiking the PCT – The Pacific Crest Trail

Tim Stroeks is an avid thru hiker, adventurer, and outdoorsman who currently resides in the Netherlands. He comes from a family of travel enthusiasts who enjoy hiking, climbing and cycling. This wanderlust that runs through his blood, has been a prevalent theme throughout his life. Tim has cycled Southern Sweden, completed the coast to coast walk in England, hiked the King’s Trail in the Arctic Circle, Finished the Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu, the W trek in Patagonia, to name a few. And finally, in 2019, his long-desired dream to hike the Pacific Crest Trail was fulfilled…

My thoughts:

The Pacific Crest Trail is a dream for many hikers out there, but the difficulty of this trail and the length of time it requires prevents many from conquering it.  It is a long thru hike that goes from Mexico to Canada.  The total mileage for PCT is 2,650 miles and it usually takes anywhere from 5-6 months of time.  With such a small window of hiking, a hiker needs to be able to complete an average of 20-30 miles a day of hiking in order to complete the trail and not deal with weather issues.   With this being said, I have such a fascination for those who attempt to complete this trail and my goal was to search the internet for someone with an interesting story.  That’s when I met Tim Stroeks.  Tim shared with me his PCT hike in 2019, which for any of you don’t know this, 2019 was a high snow year in the Sierra mountains of California. This proved to be very challenging for most hikers.  Tim shares some helpful tips and tricks on how to conquer this behemoth of a hike.  Just like most people I’ve ever spoken to who have attempted this trail, it is their favorite hiking experience.  This 5-6 month journey definitely changes your perspective on many things, I’m sure.  Hope you all enjoy this very informative episode!

Stay Wild,


Show Notes

0:00 Tim Stroek’s reads from one of his instagram entries when he climbed the Sierras during his Pacific Crest Trail thru hike in 2019.

1:07 Who is Tim Stroeks? Drea shares his extensive adventure bio with us

2:31 25 years old and 32 countries. Tim shares his love for travel and where he found this passion.

4:41 How did Drea find Tim Stroeks? Instagram!

5:17 Tim shares how much he loves to rough it and how he likes to

8:08 Tim gets his love for travel from his parents and family. He started traveling adventurously very young and that love for the outdoors has stayed with him as an adult

8:17 Tim shares with us his favorite trails and why he chose these trails.

Spoiler Alert – the PCT

8:41 The King’s Trail in Sweden – The Arctic Circle and camping under the midnight sun – Tim shares with us some an experience with the locals that give you rides across the many lakes on this trail.

10:35 Tim shares with us what a TRAIL ANGEL is on the PCT – The volunteers who provide their time, food, rides and supplies for hikers along the PCT

14:01 What is the PCT – Tim explains what the Pacific Crest Trail – The whole hike is 2650 but changes from year to year. Tim shares the changes that happens in PCT that may increase the mileage

16:14 Tim shares his Mt Whitney detour off of his PCT hike, the craziness of mountain weather, and what it’s like to stand on top of it.

20:41 Drea asks Tim the average mileage of a PCT hiker, the importance of keeping up your mileage to meet your window of hiking, and he shares his highest mileage count – 40!

23:41 Tim discusses the excerpt at the very beginning

28:35 Tim has always challenged himself and the PCT pushed his boundaries. This is what drove him to attempt this trail.

30:51 Drea asks Tim how he prepared for the long journey on the PCT – Permits, Getting a Visa as a foreigner, organizing the gear that works for you, the importance of planning and also not planning, delivering packages to resupply.

38:05 Talking to other hikers to figure out a plan, where to send packages, and planning on the actual trail.

39:20 Tim used a very helpful app – Guthooks, that aided in helping plan where to resupply! Very important

40:42 Tim shares with us some of his fears in hiking the PCT. Tim was really afraid of failing and also getting injured early in the hike.

42:19 Tim tell us why he was unable to complete the PCT. He was only 150 miles short from the Canadian border.

44:37 The dangers on the PCT include some animals – Here is Tim and his rattlesnake story, a Black Bear and her cubs and a mountain lion!

46:50 Tim shares the challenges of crossing the Sierras during the high snow season – Having to break trail, The Snow Bridges, then the Higher River Crossings, etc.

48:20 Meeting people in the Sierras and starting a “Tram”ily

50:00 How you get your Trail Name? Tim was called Davey Jones and he shares the story behind it.

53:08 Tim shares his most fulfilling moment – Conquering the Sierras during a high snow year

54:43 Tim shares his Tips and Tricks for anyone who wants to attempt to do the PCT – Do not over prepare, do not get overwhelmed about how far you have to – take it day by day.

57:28 Tim’s BEST DAY was when his friend visited him from the Netherlands

59:45 Tim’s WORST DAY – The day he had to get off the trail.

61:01 Tim’s most meaningful person he met on the trail

63:00 Tim’s Advice to himself – “Stand still and look at what you’ve done already”

64:00 Where is Tim going to next – The List of the countries he plans on doing

65:00 Follow him on instagram on

www.instagram/timstroeks and he has a blog that he has started with his daily journal on his PCT hike on www.Strookyblogs.com

October 6, 2020


SPECIAL GUEST: Carsten Coles

New Zealander Carsten Coles has lived and worked across the world before settling in Sheffield, where he lectures in English and publishes travel mag Run Wild. The magazine was inspired by a course featuring talks by editors of Delayed Gratification and Cereal. ‘That was when I knew I really wanted to do my own magazine,’ he says. When asked to describe his magazine in three words, Carseten described it as “Travel. Adventure. And Environmentalism. This was an excerpt from a Magculture interview with Carsten.


My thoughts:

Carsten is a wonderful English gentleman and that became pretty clear right when I met him via zoom call.  I got the opportunity to speak to Carsten about his travel magazine, RUN WILD.  I think the creative producer/writer/documentary filmmaker part of me was really drawn to his story.  This incredibly inspiring man, just one day decided he was going to create a magazine. That is not easy.  In fact in this episode, Carsten touches on some of those ups and downs.  Yet to me, the incredible rewards, highly outweigh the work.  One of those rewards was the ability to create opportunities for others, specifically, for women travelers/explorers. Many adventure magazines fail to tell the story of women, so it is refreshing to see someone who is traversing into this rarely explored avenue.

It’s been great to meet all these like minded individuals who respect nature and the environment as much as I do.  There is something to be said about dropping it all and going “both feet in” for your dream.  And his dream was to create this magazine that would focus on 3 things I absolutely care about – Travel. Adventure. and Environmentalism.

But you know, many of us have these giant dreams that stay dreams because we either get too busy to actually pursue them, or we’re too scared to fail (or succeed),  the work behind the dream is too hard, or the millions of excuses that come to mind when you just don’t want it bad enough.  As a result, these dreams stay up in the clouds of our brains waiting to live their life out until it one day, fades away.  I sure do hope that this episode inspires you to chase those dreams that float up there and drag them down to the reality of Earth.  Carsten inspires me to do many things. Here are a few that come to mind, care even more about the environment, great risks equal great rewards, learn to be a better listener and be more like a fine Englishman, create your own opportunities. and here’s the big one, “Follow that damn dream – no matter what the outcome.”

Hope you like the episode!

Stay Wild,


Intro: Carsten shares his journey to climb a 12 pitch route to La Taillante (3,185m). 

1:09 Drea introduces Carsten Coles. 

1:57 Carsten continues to share his journey on this route. It was his third rock climb up real rocks up a 200 meter cliff.

3:15 Carsten started an Adventure Travel Based Magazine called RUN WILD. He shares why he created RUN WILD and what their mission is. 

4:15 Carsten shares his inspiration in starting RUN WILD, his love for paper and dreams of being a writer

7:45 Carsten started the magazine in March 2019 and what it looks like

  to begin a travel magazine. 

9:05 The importance of following your dreams no matter how big they are.  

9:53 Carsten shares the many challenges in starting a travel magazine. Learning to do everything from soup to nuts. 

11:26 Carsten shares the most fulfilling moments in starting the magazine, one of which is hiring female writers. 

14:00 Carsten shares some tips & tricks to start a magazine.  

15:45 Carsten shares the number of countries he had been to and his favorite places he’s been to which is Columbia and Svalbard. 

Carsten shares with us some Tips & Tricks of Svalbard is the Backpacker’s version of Antarctica.  

20:23 Columbia Tips & Tricks. (i.e. how to find a cheaper tour, etc)

22:34 More Tips & Tricks for Svalbard 

24:57 Carsten shares what travel means to him and why he’s passionate about it. Carsten tells us his favorite way to travel. 

30:07 Carsten shares the way he likes to travel – Camping & Backpacking

31:16 Carsten just loved traveling and it started when he was young. 

37:08 Carsten shares his 8 pitch climb in the Dolomites with his friend

39:03 Carsten shares with us his most interesting travel story in Greenland when he went hiking around the country. 

43:00 Carsten shares his exciting experiences in maneuvering in Beijing, China. 

45:38 Chatting with inuit reindeer Hunters in Greenland, discussing climate change in the areas, and how it is effecting their food supply

47:47 Carsten shares his favorite item that he brings on his adventurous trips – a Garmin Satellite Communicator. 

51:52 Carsten believes in no regrets in life so his advice to himself is to take more risks, don’t get tied up with a job. Think about the life you want, and earn enough money to have that life.  

52:29 Carsten’s favorite trails – The O in Patagonia & The Dusky Trail in New Zealand. He shares in detail about his love for these trails, and a few tips and tricks. 

56:04 Carsten’s next plan – Hamburg and the issue with flights and covid and the Scottish Highlands!

57:58 Carsten and his work can be found on www.RUNWILDMAGAZINE.COM and on IG at www.instagram.com/RUNWILDMAG

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